Sunday, September 8, 2013

Chapter 1 - Part 1

Assalamualaikum + Hello!


This is the intro for the Form 4 secondary school students.

1.1  Introduction to Physics
The word Physics is actually taken from a Greek word 'Physikos'. Physics is a branch of science concerning the study of natural phenomena and the properties of matter.

1.2 Understanding Base Quantity and Derived Quantity
Physical quantity is a quantity that can be measured. E.g; mass, length, volume and temperature.

Base quantity is a quantity that can't be derived into another base quantity. Meanwhile, derived quantity is a quantity that can be derived into another base quantity by multiplication or division.

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1.3 Measure Physical Quantity Using Appropriate Instruments

  1. Length - Metre rule
  2. Temperature - Thermometer
  3. Time intervals - Stopwatch
  4. Electric current - Ammeter
  5. Voltage - Voltmeter
  6. Long distance/ Circumference of round objects - Measuring tape
  7. Length/ Diameter of inner and outer objects/ Depth object - Vernier callipers
  8. Thickness or diameter of small objects - Micrometer screw gauge 

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How to take reading of vernier calipers?

  1.  Read main scale reading Observe the zero mark ‘0’ on vernier scale.
  2.  The vernier scale lies between 1.2 cm and 1.3 cm.
  3.  Reading on main scale is 1.2 cm. 
  4. Read vernier scale reading Read mark on vernier scale that is exactly in line with any mark on main scale.
  5.  Reading on vernier scale= 0.03 cm
  6. Reading = Reading on + Reading on main scale vernier scale = 1.2 + 0.03 cm = 1.23 cm 

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Thats it for Part One - Chapter One. I'll write again soon! Thanks for reading!

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